Corsence implement and use condition and compliance inspection software developed from over 1000 Main Switchboard and Distribution Board inspections/audits. Our inspection procedures when coupled with thermal imaging have been proven to provide greater risk mitigation against fire, electrical and safety hazards while also highlighting existing non-compliance items. When considering the largest cause of fire in commercial and industrial buildings is electrical who wouldn't want greater protection.
"Greater risk mitigation against fire, electrical and safety hazards"
A predefined checklist proforma containing 24 and 38 inspection items for Distribution Board and Main Switchboard's, respectively.
Based on over 1000 completed inspection and audits across various sites.
Ensures inspection and reporting consistency from asset to asset.
Holds technicians responsible for what is being inspected.
Key items include Cable Penetrations, Terminations, Degree of Protection
and Switchgear Condition.
A complete reference manual covering:
Corsences' understanding of what to look for under each inspection item.
List of all Australian Standards and State Service Rules relevant to each item.
Specific clause references listed & updated to the latest versions of legislation for user reference.
Several Non-Compliance sub item options available including general rectification recommendations.
A comprehensive report including:
Images built in for ease of reference and understanding.
Priority assignment to identify importance and severity.
In built non-compliance description(s), associated legislation references and recommendations for rectification.
Customised site specific notes attached to each item for user descriptions and additional information.